Leslie Howard - Amateur Photographer

"We amateur cinematographers are, of necessity, producers of realism. When we film a polo match or football game, we must get it catch as catch can–not staged carefully for us–and it is always the real thing. When an interesting cloud formation appears, we hurry to catch the scene we want so that we can have the cloud as a background, for there is no means of putting it in afterward by double printing. When we make movies of friends, they must look their best, as we cannot ask them to put on grease paint, nor can we retouch the film if the closeups are disappointing. We are realists, all, and the full potentialities of movie making are revealed to us only when we recognize that fact and realize where the pitfalls lie."

~ Leslie Howard, avid amateur photographer, from Movie Makers, February 1935

[Leslie Howard, amateur photographer]

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